The Confession of Faith:

  1. There is only one God; holy and perfect, creator, keeper and predominant of all things. He only is to be worshipped.
  1. In the Godhead are three persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; equal to each other in their excellence.
  1. We believe that the Scriptures, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, are an inspiration of God. We also believed that the laws, commands and duties mentioned in the Scriptures are for Christians.
  1. We believe that there are two persons in Christ; the God and the human being. He is both a real God and a real man.
  1. Our first parents were created without the knowledge of sin, but due to their disobedience they have lost their holiness and joy. Due to this fall, sin has flooded all men, and thus all men have sinned. We believe this to have caused the wrath of God.
  1. We believe that Jesus Christ the lord created the salvation through his death and resurrection for the world as so whoever believes in this will receive salvation.
  1. We believe that faith in our lord Jesus Christ and atonement of sin to God, and renewal of the Holy Spirit through grace received righteousness and are saved.
  1. We believe in the self-acknowledgement of the salvation of Christ.
  1. We believe that a believer can turn away from the grace of God and deny his faith.
  1. We believe that a believer through grace can attain salvation and received baptism of the Holy Spirit and grow more like Christ and achieve holiness and perfection.
  1. We have faith in immortality of the soul, the raising of the dead, the judgement of all people on the last day, the righteous being saved and the sinner being condemned and punished for eternity.
  1. We believe in the Sacrament: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, as they are the teachings of the Scriptures, where the works of the grace of God in the inner self can be seen in the human, and also as a symbol and declaration and dedication to follow and to acknowledge the suffering of Jesus Christ.